If you are looking for a definition of entertaiment, you are in the right place. Learn more about the definition and synonyms of entertaiment below. Synonyms of entertaiment include amusement, entertainment, and enjoyment. If you’re looking for other synonyms for entertaiment, check out our list of the top 10 synonyms of entertaiment. This article will help you define entertaiment and improve your vocabulary.
Meaning of entertaiment
The meaning of entertain is to provide a way of socializing that is enjoyable for a person. The term is dated back to the late 15c. and is similar to the word amusement, which dates back to the 1620s. The word is also closely related to the words cheer, celebration, diversion, pleasure, game, relief, and relaxation. On the other hand, the opposite of entertain is work.
Entertainment can range from individual entertainment to a party for two, to a performance that is intended for thousands of people or even the world. While the word entertainment has its roots in amusement, many forms of entertainment are actually intended to be informative or amusing. Let’s take a closer look at the definition of entertaintaiment. Here are some examples. Entertainment can be anything from art, music, theater, and sports.
If you’re looking for a synonym for the word entertainment, you’ve come to the right place. You can find 942 synonyms for entertainment at a glance. Many are closely related to this word, but there are some that have other associations. For instance, there are words with opposite meanings that are often associated with entertainment. So, the next time you’re reading the news, be sure to look for other synonyms for entertainment.
The word entertainment has over 85 synonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words. These words describe the process of entertainment, such as theater, games, films, frolic, and recreation. You can use one or all of these words to describe your next big event. You may also find a synonym for the word entertainment in a reputable dictionary. Hopefully, this article has been helpful in your quest for a better understanding of the meaning of this word.
Synonyms for entertaiment
If you are looking for a synonym of entertaiment, look no further. This word includes 85 synonyms and idiomatic expressions. These words include enjoyment, fun, recreation, divertissement, movie, pastime, production, and frolic. Here is a list of some of the most common synonyms for entertaintaiment. You can find more related words by browsing through the definitions listed below.
Entertainment is noun: it is something that provides amusement or enjoyment to a listener or viewer. It can be a live performance or a television show. For example, Angel of Words Entertainment produces engaging digital media content highlighting stories from under-recognized parts of New York City. With these programs, you’ll discover the stories behind everyday life in the city you don’t hear about.