Gambling is a compulsion or an addiction that can have many negative consequences. It can lead to financial problems, relationships and other life difficulties. If you find that gambling is interfering with your relationships, your work or your health, you should consider obtaining professional help.
The symptoms of a gambling problem may be similar to those of other mental disorders. Some common symptoms include feeling depressed, irritable, anxious and restless. Others may include stealing or lying about money and winning and losing large amounts of money. You may also feel like you need to gamble more and more often in order to get a good result.
If you are struggling with a gambling problem, your doctor will recommend that you see a qualified therapist who can help you stop gambling. You can attend day treatment sessions or weekly one-on-one therapy sessions. These will give you the time and support that you need to overcome your gambling problem.
Identify your main triggers
Gambling may arise out of boredom, stress or loneliness. You can reduce the urge to gamble by getting involved in an activity that stimulates your mind and body. Try learning something new, or challenging yourself by doing a physical activity such as exercise or sport. You can also rekindle a hobby that you enjoyed before you started gambling.
Set boundaries for yourself
When it comes to gambling, you should set limits for yourself and your family members. Decide how much money you can afford to lose each week and how long you want to gamble for. Having these limits in place will help you keep track of your gambling and limit the number of times that you play.
Control your gambling costs
Using credit cards to gamble is not a smart idea and it can cause you to spend more than you can afford. If you must use credit to gamble, make sure you pay off your debts as soon as possible. You should also avoid playing games that require large deposits to start.
Limit the amount of time that you spend gambling, and be prepared to walk away from the table if your losses start to mount up. Trying to get back your money by gambling more and more is an unhealthy habit that will only result in bigger and bigger losses.
Take action to stop your gambling
Taking action to stop gambling is the best way to break the cycle of gambling. You can do this by limiting the amount of money you spend on gambling, making changes to your lifestyle and talking to someone about your gambling habits.
You can also try to avoid places where you used to gamble and spending time with people who gamble. You can also try to change the way you think about gambling by becoming more aware of your cravings and how they make you feel. You can then work out the best strategies to deal with them.
Stopping your gambling is a challenge and can be difficult at first, but it can be done with time and patience. You can develop a plan that will help you stick to it and prevent relapses in the future.